Saturday, April 4, 2020

A Blessed Palm Sunday!

Here we are in Holy Week! Do you know what that means? That means that in exactly one week we will be celebrating Easter!

Celebrating Easter? But I can't leave my house!!

I know, kind of strange, huh?  But we will still celebrate Easter. Easter is about JESUS CHRIST rising from the dead!

But first we have some work to do.

We have to get through Palm Sunday with no palms, Holy Thursday with no washing of the feet (or bells ringing!), Good Friday with no visiting the Cross and no Holy Saturday Mass. But just because we don't have any of the things listed doesn't mean we can't celebrate in our own homes!

Did you know that the Early Christians celebrated holidays in their homes? They sat around, broke bread and told stories about Jesus. They talked about his miracles. They talked about the stories they had heard about him from friends of friends of friends. They remembered him. There weren't always churches so they did what they could to keep the faith alive and so must we!

That is what we are suppose to do; remember Jesus. Imagine if everyone really REMEMBERED Jesus how they would treat other people! They would remember that he asked us to love our neighbor, to be kind and thoughtful and honest and not to judge or say things that weren't true about each other.

So, you see, we and must still celebrate. WE have to show everyone that Jesus is in our hearts and that we carry him with us! We also have to show them that we want to share that love with them. Easter is such an incredible gift that we HAVE to share it!!

Let's take time this week to get ready for the big day by paying attention to the road that Jesus walked during the week.

For Palm Sunday, let's maybe find a branch or some symbol you think would be good and put it on our door. Maybe we should all wear red since that is the color of Palm Sunday! Maybe some of us can make Hot Cross Buns! If you do anything special, how about taking a picture and asking your parents to email it to me at and I will share it on the blog or Facebook as long as your parents say it's ok!!

Here is a coloring page for you to work on and visit Pflaum Gospel Weeklies for more!

Click here to print this sheet.

And a video to watch! 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Kindness 101: Empathy

Empathy is something that we talk about all the time, it is what Jesus means when he says, "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Watch the video with your family and think about times when you felt like you were "walking in someone elses shoes."   Does anyone make you feel empathy?

Leave a comment below!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

On the Road: Kindness 101 with Steve Hartman (Character)

Watch this video and tell me what you think! How can we be kinder?

Hello Everyone!!

I hope you are all well and making the best of this time that we have with our families! I thought this would be a fun distraction for you and I will update as often as I can. Check back to see what is new. In the meantime, be kind to one another, listen to your parents and grandparents even if you don't want to that will help make things easier on everyone.

If you know someone who might enjoy this, share it with them! Share it with a friend and do something together online!

**Do you know someone who doesn't have internet or a computer? Let me know and I will send them some stuff in the mail!**

Take care of yourself so you can help take care of one another. God bless and remember you are loved!!

By the way, here is a picture of a fox running through my yard while I was writing this! 😃

Isn't she pretty!! It's nice to see the animals having fun!